Radiance, RWCMD, 2020
Art Department Assistant
I made and distressed curtains for a post-nuclear apocalyptic cabin. I used sanding and wire brushes as well as a combination of dirtying-down techniques and materials.
Production designer: Tomás Palmer
The Corn Lady 
I dyed and different shades of fabrics using direct dyes, as well as creating a muddy effect on the skirt.
Natural Dyeing
- dyeing on cellulose and protein fibres
- scouring and mordanting
- use of logwood, madder, turmeric and more unconventional materials such as charcoal and berries​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

- indigo dyeing 
- experience making ink from natural sources
- extensive research into the use of natural dye in costume (dissertation subject)
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